Although we've used online communications technologies for a number of years, with COVID-19 forcing everyone to move as much as possible online, we've been able to use those years of experience to keep you connected.

Zoom is what everyone is talking about; however, if you're involved in more than one Zoom meeting a week you're likely involved in dozens. Zoom meetings are great, but just like any 'meeting' it can be a drain on productive time - actually getting work done.

We've helped several organizations get other means of online communications set-up and running - from live web site chat that links to distributed staff members automatically (and allows them to consult with other staff live while still chatting with the original chat initiator) to private, internal team chat systems that allow you to share files and even voice calls and messages.

And yes, we've also been helping make lots of Zoom meetings be more effective.

If you're still struggling to keep in contact during this 'distributed' period we are in, please give us a call (yes, we still use the phone). I'd love to help you be more effective during this time.

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